4 Ways to Stop Chronic Anxiety from Stealing your Job

Here’s a template for the next time your chronic anxiety shows up at work

4 Ways to Stop Chronic Anxiety from Stealing your Job
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Apr 21, 2022
✨POV✨: Not that work wasn't making us anxious enough - how do we stop our chronic anxiety from fully taking over?

What to know about chronic anxiety 🥶

It's one thing to feel occasional anxiety, for example, before a presentation or crucial meetings, but it's a whole other experience to feel it at max debilitating levels, 9 am-5 pm.
This is when anxiety becomes a mental illness. It becomes an anxiety disorder.
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And our anxiety disorder symptoms like racing thoughts can impact our physical health conditions and our mental well-being - lower productivity, brain fog, and fatigue all being side effects.

How to know if you have anxiety - types of anxiety disorders and symptoms 🧐

For people with anxiety disorders, the symptoms can look differently depending on the type of anxiety disorder.
If your anxiety overpowers your capacity to carry on with daily mundane tasks, it's a chronic anxiety disorder. And this can stem from:

👉🏽  Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

Suppose you experience symptoms like intense fear, muscle tension/ muscle aches that make anxiety symptoms worse, and just overall persistent and excessive anxiety.
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In that case, chances are that these indicate a generalized anxiety disorder.

👉🏽  Panic disorder

If your anxiety symptoms look like heart palpitations or chest pain with an amplified feeling of impending doom - it can lead to panic attacks. This points to a panic disorder, a common anxiety disorder.

👉🏽  Social anxiety disorder

This is when social situations trigger anxiety, leading to social phobia. Social anxiety disorders can lead to irritable bowel syndrome or difficulty concentrating, especially before a get-together or even a presentation at work.

👉🏽  Other anxiety disorders

Separation anxiety disorder - this type of mental health disorder makes it tough to focus at work without giving us overwhelming anxiety about staying away from a loved one.
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Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Mental disorders like OCD arise out of our thought patterns and resulting coping behaviors.

How to deal with the anxiety that's chronic when at work 👀

📌  Visualize your daily work goals

Get creative and put down every task you have for the day on your board or calendar. Have you got being? Here, you can access mini guided sessions for the next time something triggers your anxiety - especially at work! Check this for starters - I feel anxious when I lack clarity on tasks/goals.

🍵  Limit caffeine

Keep that mug down and substitute it for calming teas like green tea or tulsi tea. Caffeine is known to accelerate our anxiety.
But if you really need to, decaf the next order.

🧠  Take a mental health day off

Because your mental well-being > everything else.

🕹  Log off, mentally

Practice work-life balance.
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How? Let being help make that a routine - check out. I feel like my work-life boundaries have blurred.

To conclude 🤗

Several things like our negative thoughts can contribute to anxiety at work - all you need to know is that support is out there.
It can be seeking professional help, checking out your employee assistance program, or building your database with healthy ways to cope with our mental health conditions.
Another way is with being - the world's first of a kind self-therapy app. Here, you have guided sessions designed by mental wellbeing specialists for the next time you want to manage stress at work!
You got this!
Want to find out more about anxiety? Check The One-Stop Guide to What Causes Your Anxiety.


Your professional help will guide you through your mental health disorders or mental illnesses - regardless of what they may be. Your therapist can also help with mental health concerns like intense anxiety (and physical symptoms like a panic attack) to treat anxiety disorders or relieve symptoms through cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, talk therapy, support group, relaxation techniques, and anti-anxiety drug (if necessary). Seek professional help - the closest one is a google search away.

Written by

being cares, inc.
being cares, inc.

Mental health friend for Gen-Z creators, & entrepreneurs.