Is Chronic Anxiety Interfering with your Relationship? This is for You.

Your anxiety may be chronic but that’s no excuse for it to be a third wheel.

Is Chronic Anxiety Interfering with your Relationship? This is for You.
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Apr 21, 2022
✨POV✨: If overthinking every move your partner makes was a sport - you'd be a champion 👀

What to know about chronic anxiety 🥶

To begin, what is anxiety?
To put it simply, feeling anxious is a normal emotion for every human to experience. It's occasional anxiety - like when you feel anxious before your first date or meeting your partner's parents.
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But then this anxiety strikes out of nowhere and stays even after the anxiety-inducing thought or situation has passed. It can sometimes even hit sans any anxiety-inducing event.
This anxiety can interfere with daily life. You agonize over a text and overthink for hours on end. You are filled with intense fear at the thought of making your needs known.
These contribute to the significant distress that's building up in your mind and chest and impacting your mental health.
This is when it's an anxiety disorder. And when it gets persistent and manifests as physical symptoms that can impact our physical health conditions, it can indicate chronic anxiety disorders.

How does it present in your relationship? 🧐

It's like one day everything’s great, and the next day anxiety got you feeling like there’s impending doom; the impulses that tell you your partner can reject or leave when you "mess up" or "fail." This can lead to troublesome feelings and negative thoughts that can make your anxiety symptoms worse - leading to breathlessness or chest pain.
People with anxiety disorders may also tend to work towards or crave their partner's approval or acceptance in everything they do. They end up silencing themselves out of the fear of rejection.
If you think you relate to anxiety disorder symptoms that are chronic or persistent, it helps to understand the different types of anxiety disorders. Knowing this can help narrow down your specific anxiety disorders and anxiety symptoms, making it easier to deal with the things that trigger anxiety.

What are the types of anxiety disorders & their signs and symptoms?

The thing about our anxiety disorder is that it can root itself in our core.
People with anxiety disorders have been living with anxiety disorder symptoms all through their childhood, which has now shaped their personality traits.
Or that some of us are just genetically predisposed to anxiety disorders. This means genetic and environmental factors are influenced, and people in our family history experienced the same anxiety disorder and will continue to do so.

👉🏽  Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

Generalized anxiety disorder is when you experience underlying anxiety throughout the day - there's difficulty concentrating, and you're pretty much restless and feeling anxious at any given point.
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There are physical signs of muscle tension or muscle aches, and there's a cloud of exaggerated worry looming over your mind.

👉🏽  Social anxiety disorders

Social anxiety disorder is when social situations cause intense fear - leading you to avoid social events out of social phobia. You're afraid of what people think, and you often have trouble not taking things personally, and it gets tough to manage stress levels.
Some physical symptoms of mental health conditions are irritable bowel syndrome or trouble sleeping. This can spill into your relationship, where these mental symptoms of overthinking and overwhelming worry rob you of the present moment.

👉🏽  Panic disorder

Panic disorder is when our negative thought processes lead to heart palpitations and excessive worry. These thoughts may have stemmed from past traumatic events that convince you it will happen again. This onslaught of thoughts then leads to breathlessness and chest pain, causing panic attacks.
If this seems to have hit home for you, check out I feel like anxiety taking hold of me on being -the first of a kind app designed by mental health specialists that can help reduce anxiety and bring calm any time you'd need!

👉🏽  Other anxiety disorders


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Mental disorders like OCD arise out of our thought patterns and resulting coping behaviors.
When we obsess over a thought, say, "did I say something mean to my partner?", our actions or behaviors that follow may not always be healthy for us or our partners. This thought can make us compulsively act and call them 10 times in a row, and flood them with "is everything ok?" texts.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

This anxiety disorder shares the same symptoms as panic disorder.
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Maybe a past event or circumstance relating to you and your partner was traumatic that the thought of it can still make you anxious to the point of a panic attack. This can be indicative of your anxiety disorder stemming from PTSD.

Separation anxiety disorder

This is a common anxiety disorder that most people in relationships experience. It could be the long-distance that's contributing to your anxiety. Or it could just be the fact that your partner works out of the office for most parts of the day. If this momentary separation gives you constant worry - it can be indicative of a mental health disorder.

Treating chronic anxiety 👀

There isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to anxiety disorders.
But treating anxiety disorders that are chronic begins when we gain control over our anxious thoughts and our behavior patterns. Here are a few ways to get there - count these as your stress management tips for relieving anxiety disorders:

🥜  Healthy diet and sleep

Did you know that a balanced diet not only does wonders for us physically but also mentally?
Foods with Vit-D, selenium and Omega-3 work to combat mental illnesses because of their anti-inflammatory qualities and are known to work well with mood-related cells in the brain. This means that adding nuts, fish, eggs, and leafy greens to your diet can improve sleep, ability to focus, and overall good mental well-being!
Get enough sleep every chance that you get. Sleep resets and refreshes our brain which makes it easier to fight the meh that comes with our anxiety disorders.

🔍  Professional help

There are mental health professionals for couples that can help you cope with your anxiety disorders that are chronic. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one such tool that can help counter these anxious thoughts with logical and rational ones that can shape healthier behavior patterns.

🤸🏽‍♂️  Relaxation exercises

Think of some of the exercises you could do with your partner. It does not have to be enrolling in the gym together.
It can be gardening, cooking, or even just listening to music together.
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Anything that brings you back to the zen space, indulge in it. Or you can let being help you with that, check out their mini therapies and guided sessions for relationships. You can start with - I want to feel the calmness of the morning.

✍🏼  Adopt anxiety-busting habits

Habits can either make or break our mental illness of any kind. This means, our habits decide the extent of the impact of our anxiety disorders. Some habits that can counter anxiety and its symptoms are journaling, a sleep-wake routine, quiet time, limited caffeine intake, positive affirmations, and so on.
Fortunately, with being, all of this is possible. Want a guided session to help make meditation a daily habit? What about one to start/end the day with journaling? Or how to learn to build a routine itself? Sounds interesting? Check it out!

To wrap it up 🤗

Relationships are hard. But when our anxiety that's persistent and chronic is added to that equation, it doesn't always leave us feeling the best.
But know that things will always turn out fine with time and patience. Let your partner in on how things trigger your anxiety and how they manifest -- that explains the sudden tummy aches or constant neck aches.
Oh and with being and their mini guided therapies for relationships, you get to access tools designed specifically for anxiety, with minimal articulation and an easy approach!
Want to read more on relationships and anxiety? Head to Relationship and Anxiety: What Causes it and What to do About It
Breathe, and just be :)


Your mental health professional will also guide you through your mental health disorders or mental illnesses - regardless of what they may be. Your therapist can also help with mental health concerns like intense anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic attacks/ panic disorders, and separation anxiety) to treat anxiety disorders or relieve symptoms through cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, talk therapy, support group, relaxation techniques, and anti-anxiety drug (if necessary). Seek professional help - the closest one is a google search away.

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being cares, inc.
being cares, inc.

Mental health friend for Gen-Z creators, & entrepreneurs.