What is High Functioning Anxiety doing to Your Relationships?

Save this for the next time your high functioning anxiety takes over.

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Apr 21, 2022
✨POV✨: It's about time high functioning anxiety called it quits in this relationship.

High functioning anxiety - The positive and negative characteristics 🧐

Would you say that opening up to your partner or expressing your feelings does not come easy?
You'd do anything for their approval, even neglecting your own needs.
And sometimes, you'd find yourself feeling extremely moody that anything they can do or say can make you snap.
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People with high functioning anxiety tend to find it challenging to maintain relationships.
This is because they tend to obsess over their past mistakes and constantly ruminate over future events, making them miss out on whatever is happening.
The key to remember here is that your anxiety can have positive characteristics.
Like how your anxiety disorder can also help you be proactive or punctual or can help you focus on getting essential tasks done even under stress levels.
But to flip the situation around, these can also be byproducts of nervous habits like stretching yourself thin to accommodate your partner's wants, especially out of fear of confrontation.
This can fill you with nervous energy that can also affect your self-esteem and social anxiety.
This is the negative side that can not only impact your mental wellness but also your relationship as a whole.

Causes of High-Functioning Anxiety 🥶

People with high functioning anxiety can usually trace it back to one of these underlying anxiety disorders (that fall under mental disorders).

👉🏽  Generalized anxiety disorder

This is when everyday things like household chores or work give you excessive anxiety and excessive worry throughout the day, in daily life, mainly sans reasons to be anxious.
GAD symptoms can manifest as physical symptoms like muscle tension/muscle aches, restlessness, and difficulty sleeping.

👉🏽  Panic disorder

This is when negative thoughts or traumatic events lead people to exhibit symptoms like intense breathlessness and sweats, transitioning into panic attacks.
Check Chronic Anxiety: What It Means and How to Cope for more on other anxiety disorders.

Three coping strategies for High Functioning Anxiety 🤗

If your high functioning anxiety stops you from fully expressing your true feelings in the best way, it's time to bring the positive traits to the forefront.

💭  Recognize

Know when your negative thoughts creep in to give you significant anxiety - those "what if" thoughts?
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Recognize these as just anxiety symptoms and work towards pausing them.
The best way to do that is by deep breathing. This increases blood and oxygen circulation and helps bring calm.
Fortunately, with being - the world's first of kind self-therapy app, you can make intentional breathing a routine with this mini guided therapy session: I see anxiety taking hold of me.

👀  Refuse

Do not let these thoughts that contribute to existing severe anxiety symptoms change the narrative in your mind.
Replace these thoughts with positive affirmations that then lead to positive behavior patterns. Refuse to believe that this anxious state is where you're meant to be.
Here, check this mini guided session on being to help with this: I want to pay attention to my negative self-talk.

🌻  Embrace

Know that you're worthy of love regardless of how you're doing mentally or emotionally. Embrace your vulnerability and find no shame in telling your partner what you need at that moment.

To wrap it up

Relationships are beautiful as they are complicated.
And when our high functioning anxiety is added to that mix, it affects us and can also affect our partner.
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But know that high functioning anxiety can be overcome with time and patience.
One way to take the baby step there can be with being. Check out their mini therapies designed by mental health specialists for any feeling!
You got this, friend!


This is not a substitute for therapy or mental health services. The recommended way for treating anxiety disorders is with the help of mental health professionals, medical professionals, or wellness professionals for high functioning anxiety problems or your depression/anxiety disorder diagnosis (or any other mental health disorder/mental illness or clinical disorders or health conditions). Their primary treatments and diagnostic criteria include cognitive behavioral therapy and progressive muscle relaxation - some of the therapies and techniques your mental health professional would recommend.

Written by

being cares, inc.
being cares, inc.

Mental health friend for Gen-Z creators, & entrepreneurs.